Good oral health is important at any age, but after 50, you may need to adjust your routine as changes in your body affect your oral health.
When an unexpected dental emergency strikes, it's crucial to have a reliable source of help that can address your concerns promptly and effectively.
Routine dental cleanings are the cornerstone of a healthy smile. These appointments remove plaque and tartar buildup that regular brushing and flossing can’t fully eliminate.
Preventive dentistry forms the foundation of a healthy smile, focusing on avoiding dental issues before they arise.
Regular dental cleanings are an essential part of maintaining a healthy smile, yet many people underestimate their importance.
You would be hard-pressed to find more than a few people whose teeth don’t have some extent of tooth decay. Commonly known as cavities or caries, it’s prevalent around the world.
In today's fast-paced world, the idea of straightening teeth without anyone noticing has become increasingly appealing.
A healthy smile is more than just an attractive feature—it’s a reflection of your overall well-being.
You can be a superstar when it comes to taking care of your oral health, but all it takes is a few mouthfuls of certain foods to give your breath an unpleasant aroma.
It’s commonly known that most adults have 32 teeth, compared with 20 primary, or baby teeth.
At Keledjian Dental, we believe dental care should be accessible and convenient for everyone, no matter their age.
You already know the benefits of brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time.
Welcome to our dental practice!
Your smile is one of your most important features, both for its aesthetic value and as a vital means of communication.
Your gums are an amazing biological mechanism designed to protect your teeth and prevent oral diseases.
At our dental practice, we believe that oral health care should be convenient and accessible to everyone.
Invisalign has revolutionized orthodontic treatment with its unique approach to aligning teeth.
You brush your teeth in the morning and floss before your nighttime brush. That’s great! But when was your last trip to a dentist for a cleaning?
Dental emergencies can range from a persistent toothache to chipped or cracked teeth, and even problems with wisdom teeth.
As parents, we all want our kids to grow up healthy, happy, and with bright, beautiful smiles.
Happy holidays from your friendly family dentist at Keledjian Dental, who’ll know if you’ve been naughty or nice during your next regular checkup, which we hope is right around the corner!
Though nobody wants to get cavities, so many of us do.
One of the features of a sensational smile is bright, white teeth!
Life can be quite stressful, and many of us have a variety of coping mechanisms. One common tension reliever is damaging our oral health in the form of teeth grinding and/or clenching.
A mouth’s many components team up to perform imperative tasks. This valuable orifice is a very busy place, which, unfortunately, makes it susceptible to glitches and the occasional misfortune.
Americans are known around the world for their healthy and attractive teeth. Our standards are higher than those in other countries, and many of us work hard to sport sparkling smiles.
The human body is a complex system in which everything is interconnected. From head to toe, what affects one area of your body influences one or more other areas.
Admittedly, tongue scraping does not have a pleasant sound to it. In fact, it sounds uncomfortable at best!
Do you dislike your smile because your front teeth have minor alignment issues?
Everyone knows about teeth, but not everyone knows all there is to know about their choppers.